Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."

Hello there everyone! Sam here.

Hope all of you had a wonderful Memorial Day! Thanks to all the men and women -- past, present, and future -- who serve our country every day. No words can express my gratitude.

For this week's list I thought I'd talk about dreams, and I don't mean the kind you have while you're sleeping. I'm talking about the dreams and goals we all have for ourselves, whether they be work related, love related, or just life related in general. Each of us has an idea of how and where we want to be in the next five, ten, or even twenty years. So here is a list of all the current and future dreams and goals that I have for myself. Some I may reach within the next year and others I know will take a little longer, but as long as I keep them alive, there is always a chance that they can come true.

Sam's Current and Future Dreams and Goals
  • Graduate from college and earn my degree
  • Travel the world and at least visit one country in all of the continents once in my lifetime (except Antarctica, I may love the winter, but that's a little too much ice for me)
  • Write and publish a novel; to have my words read by people all over the world
  • To fall in love and get married someday
  • To raise a family
  • Change someone's life (for the better) with the written word
  • To be more outgoing and spontaneous
  • Be a successful author and do what I love for a living
  • To someday take my mom on a trip to Scotland and Ireland
  • Move out and get an apartment
  • To own a home
  • Be brave enough to move out of Missouri
  • Make my parents proud of me
  • To live abroad for at least a few months
  • Visit every National Park/Forest in the United States
  • Learn how to play the guitar, piano, and ukulele
  • Learn how to skateboard
  • Go to a YouTube convention
  • Roadtrip across America and visit every state
  • See a show on Broadway
  • Eat crepes in Paris, France
  • Someday live in a house or apartment with  a set of spiral stairs
  • Go to a lantern festival
  • Go surfing in California or Hawaii
  • Sit front row at an amazing concert
  • Have a song written about me
  • Meet my favorite authors
  • See my sisters grow up and be happy
  • Visit Harry Potter World
  • Go rock climbing
  • Give back
  • Live a life that makes me happy and see my friends and family do the same
So there they are. I'm sure there are more I've forgotten, but for now this is where I'm at. Hope you all have a lovely week and never stop dreaming.

Love and Chaos,

Monday, May 20, 2013

A List of Dislikes

Hello everyone! Sam here!

Seeing as everything has been real mushy lately around here, I thought I'd change it up a bit in the form of a list, in this case a list of a few things that I dislike and/or despise. We all have things that bother us, annoy us, and just downright piss us off. So here is a list of a few things that have that kind of effect on yours truly. Enjoy! :)

A list of Sam's dislikes

  • litterbugs...you guys suck
  • people who are rude to, or who mess with waiters and waitresses...just let them do their damn job
  • rumors
  • math...just math
  • writer's block...ugh
  • two-faced people
  • people who make purposefully vague facebook statuses just so you'll feel sorry for them / people who use facebook to complain about their problems / people who use facebook to document every part of their lives...no one cares you went to the store and bought a frozen pizza, then watched a movie...No. One. Cares.
  • sexism
  • homophobia...love is love
  • basically any kind of prejudice
  • traffic / people who don't use their blinkers when driving
  • bullies
  • buffering...Am I right?!
  • having to speak in public and/or present projects in front of a class...I'm allergic to public speaking
  • speaking of being allergic...allergies...curse you pollen!
  • my nose...just don't like it
  • losing things
  • growing up...Where's Peter Pan when you need him?
  • ignorance...in general
  • people who throw their beliefs in your face and criticize your own...e.g. religion, politics, etc. I'm all for having an opinion (obviously) but there's no need to hit me over the head with yours
  • being left out...Doesn't everyone hate that?
  • books that don't end the way you want them to...I think every reader can relate.
  • people who try to tell you what you're feeling or thinking...probably my biggest pet peeve of all time...only I know what I'm thinking and feeling. Capeesh!?
So there it is guys. What a great way to vent! Do we share any of the same annoyances? I'd love to read your lists. Hope you all have a lovely week!

Love & Chaos,

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sister's Birthday...Take Two

Hello, Hello! Sam here!

That's right everybody, another birthday post. Today it's my MIDDLE sister Kassidy's birthday and she is turning SIXTEEN years old! This post is for her.

Well sis, what can I say. Today you turn sixteen years old. Sometimes I still can’t believe it. In some ways it feels as if those sixteen years have gone by in the blink of an eye, but in others it feels as if I’ve known you for much, much longer than that. I remember back when I first found out I was getting a sister, I was so excited I think I did a little dance. I had been around for four whole years by myself, a good run; I was ready for a live-in friend. And then you finally showed up and I got to be one of the first people to hold you and for the first time I was a big sister. Back then I didn’t know what that would mean, I just knew that now there was someone for me to play hide and seek and pretend with. But boy what a surprise I was in for a few years later when I found out that sometimes little sisters can be REALLY annoying. They follow you around and steal your toys, repeat everything you say and try to dress like you and eat like you, and basically try to become you. Lucky for me that stage only lasted for a little while and you soon became far too busy becoming yourself to try and become anyone else.

Right from the start you were a force to be reckoned with. It may have taken you a bit longer to start talking, but once you did you never stopped. You had a legendary temper that still shows itself every once in awhile. But all of this only adds up to the fire that's inside you, a fire that I only wish I possessed.

Kass, there's just so much to be said about you that it's hard to get it all down in one little blog post, but I'm gonna try my very best. You and I are so very different. I like reading and writing. I'm quiet and introspective. I like staying home and reading books in my room on the weekends. You, you hate reading unless it's a particular type of mystery book and you only write when you have to. You're outgoing and extroverted. You love being around people and being out in the world. You are all of the things that I often wish I could be and more. You surprise and inspire me with your depth and compassion for others. You make me proud to be your big sister every single day.

When we were younger mom always seemed to think we needed to match, but soon enough we'd both had enough of that and you were off discovering who you wanted to be when you weren't being my little sister. Whatever shadow there could have been you blew right through it and created one that is much much bigger, believe me. It isn't often that you find an older sibling who looks up to a younger sibling, but I do look up to you. I may make fun of you sometimes or pretend that I don't care, but I am so very proud of everything you've done and continue to do. Some might say that all of these traits are typical of a middle sibling, because they have to fight for attention, but getting attention was never a problem for you. And I know that all of these traits aren't really just middle sibling traits, they're Kassidy traits, because no one does anything quite like you.

Though we still have our fights from time to time I consider myself lucky to have you in my life. You push me to be better without even trying. You make me laugh and you amaze me with your bravery and courage. You make me want to be braver.

I love so many things about you, even the things that may sometimes annoy me. I love that we can share things with each other, especially secrets. I love that there are things you will only talk with me about. I love our many, many inside jokes...potato. I love your laugh and how we can laugh at the same things. I love it when we go to movies together, just the two of us. I love your honesty, even if it can sometimes be brutal, you tell it like it is. I love your confidence, mostly because it is something I wish I had. I love that your first word as a baby was "sissy." I love your secret love for basically all furry creatures. I love that we're so different. I love how you're always dancing, even when there's no music. I love your gigantic heart. I love your surprising patience, both with Emily and sometimes with me. I love the woman that you are becoming and how we are more than just sisters, but friends too.

The relationship you and I have is a special one. We may push each other and we may have our arguments, but in the end we always have each other's backs, no matter what. You and Emily are the only two people on the planet who have lived where I've lived, who know how crazy our family can be, and who (besides our parents) have been there for me in every single accomplishment I've ever had. We may frustrate each other like crazy sometimes, but the three of us will always be sisters and I will always be thankful for that.

Here's your poem. Again, it's a little rough, but I hope you like it. I wrote it after I listened to Sarah Kay's poem, "Brother."
Little sister, before you came along there were only three,
Dad, Mom, and me, the little girl with big eyes to take in the world.
You let me have four whole years to myself, to let me grow,
so I could soak up all the attention like a sponge.
But then it was your turn. And boy was it.
You danced your way into our world with your happy feet, and everything changed.
But I didn’t mind. You were so small, didn’t take up much space,
and I was willing to share.
For a long time, you didn’t speak and mom and dad worried,
but I knew. I knew you’d talk when you had something to say.
And once you started you never stopped.
You are the spinning top in a world that tries to stand still,
never worrying whether or not the ground will catch you when you fall.
You keep us on our toes. You keep us honest.
Little sister, you keep me going.
And going and going and going.
You don’t look at the world as anything other than your dance floor, your stage.
 And I like that about you, I like it because it is so much the opposite of me.
You have a big temper, but an even bigger heart, and you only cry when you’re alone.
You have a secret soft spot for anything with fur or feathers.
You’re good at math and you don’t like to read and you never remember to turn off the lights,
you don’t even like sweet tea!
But I love you anyway.
I love you for all of the things you are and aren’t,
and for all of things you’ve ever been or will be.
You, little sister, will do great big things because for such a small girl,
you have some great big dreams.
So don’t you ever second guess yourself, not that you would,
and don’t you ever stop dancing to the music in your head.
I may have come first, but you, you stole the show.
And that’s okay, you can have it,
the spotlight was meant to be yours all along.


^You being you.

I think out of every quote I've ever heard there is only one that truly describes our relationship perfectly. The quote is from spoken word poet Sarah Kay and it goes like this... “There are so many things I would tell you if I thought that you would listen, and so many more you’d tell me if you believed I would understand. I hope you know you were never meant to wear this shadow.”
And I hope you do know sis, that whatever shadow you think you might be wearing, it could never compare to the gigantic one that is all your own. No one's shadow, and especially not mine, could ever overshadow the true amazingness that is you.
You are one of my very best friends, whether you know it or not, and you and Emily are two of the brightest spots in my life. I will always be there to listen when you have something to say and even though we may be very different I will always try and understand anything you are willing to share. I will stand behind you no matter where you end up or who you become. You are one of the most beautiful, bright, noble, brave, talented, and wonderful people I know and I will always be so very proud to call you my sister. I always say that I was the trial run and you and Emily are where mom and dad really got it right, and I have faith that no matter what you decide to do, you'll do it with compassion and a style that is all your own. I'm excited to see what an amazing life you'll have, since the one you have now is already pretty exciting, and what you'll do with all the talent and personality you've been given. Thanks for being so very different from me and for showing Emily and I what it really means to be brave. I hope you have the most wonderful sweet sixteen because you certainly deserve it. Happy Birthday, little sis. Love you always and forever.
Love & Chaos,

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sister's Birthday!

Hello, Hello everyone! Sam here!

Today it is my baby sister's birthday! She is turning twelve and I cannot believe it! So this post is for her.

Em, I can’t believe that you are already 12 years old, it seems like just yesterday that you were running around in diapers and singing made-up songs on the fireplace and playing with your imaginary friends. But now you’re leaving elementary school and moving up to middle school and you’re not a little kid anymore. It feels like these last twelve years have just flown right by and within the blink of an eye you’ve grown into one amazing and beautiful person.

Since I'm eight years older than you I've been able to watch you change and grow from an adorable little baby into a cute little kid, and now you are becoming a beautiful, smart, talented young lady who I couldn't be prouder of. I'm so very glad that I get to call you my baby sister.


When Kassidy was born four years before you I was so excited to be a big sister and then after you came along you brought even more joy into all of our lives and you allowed me to be a big sister all over again. You, with your sunshine and music and happy personality. You bring so much laughter and joy and music into all of our lives and without you the house would be much too quiet. I know being the baby you sometimes feel like you're getting the short end of the stick with all the old hand-me-down clothes and toys, but it makes me happy to be able to share bits and pieces of my childhood with you.

One of the best parts about being the big sister is getting to teach you things, but sometimes I think it is you and Kassidy who have taught me so much more than I coud ever teach you. You two are far better people than I could ever imagine to be and I'm so proud of all that you've been able to achieve in just twelve years.
Since you're the youngest I know that you sometimes get frustrated when we talk about memories that happened before you were born and that it might make you sad that you weren't there, but just know that all the memories I've been able to make with you are some of my very favorites. You were the piece of the puzzle that completed our family of five little sis, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Over the past sixteen years I've come to find that being a big sister can be hard work. I try my best to set a good example for you and Kass and to help you and protect you in any way that I can. But often I find myself being influenced a lot more by the two of you rather than the other way around. We're all three such different people, but there are traits in both of you that I only wish I could find in myself. It's the two of you who inspire me to be a better person and I only hope that I can be as amazing as you are some day.
I love your outlook on the world. I love how you can make us laugh at the most random of times with the most random of comments. I love how you are always funny accidentally. I love that you love to read and write, and dance and sing when you think no one's listening. I love how you surprise me with your correct use of big words and phrases that other kids your age don't even know the meaning of. I love your bubbly personality and your loyalty. Being a sister of any kind can be hard work sometimes, but at least you know that there will always be someone there to stick up for you and to be on your side no matter what. Know that no matter what, I'll always be there when you need me.

So yeah, here's a poem. It's a little rough but I hope you like it... 

Baby sister, you, you brought the music to our lives when you were born.
We thought our little family was complete, but you had other plans.
You, with your sunshine hair and happy smile,
you showed us what family really is.
Family is the number 5.
Family is a little girl who makes up her own songs, who sings when no one’s listening.
I’d recognize your voice from across the room in an instant,
could pick it out from a crowd any day.
Baby sister, you made us complete.
And we are reminded every day of how lucky we are to have you in our lives,
of how much you make us laugh.
And every day I see a little piece of myself in you,
but I pray you only get the good stuff.
You like to read and write, but you also like to sing and dance,
and I think that somehow you have been given the good stuff in all of us.
You are made up of good stuff,
don’t ever forget that.
And don’t ever forget that even though you are the smallest,  
You are also the one with the biggest laugh and the loudest voice.
You carry the sunshine, baby sister,
so don’t ever let the clouds get you down.
Because without you, there wouldn’t really be an “us.”
And since you’re the youngest I know it’s in your nature
to try and bring as much of us into yourself, but try not to.
Because who you are on your own is pretty dang special.
Who you are isn’t limited to baby sister,
isn't limited to hand-me-downs.
You could be anything you wanted to be                                                                                                   a
nd I know for a fact that you will be.                                                                                               
^Emily with her best friend/cousin Bella

We like to make funny faces if you haven't noticed...

Love you so so very much Ems and I am so very proud and happy to be your big sister. Thank you for inspiring me every day and for just being you. I remember when you were younger and Kassidy and I would get in a fight you'd always shout out "Sisters Forever!" to get us to stop. Back then I never really thought much about what that actually means, but when you think about it, it's a pretty big deal. To be a sister is to be a true friend forever and I can't tell you how happy I am to have the two of you as my forever friends and little sisters. Love you forever and always. 
Love and Chaos,

P.S. Happy Birthday also to my cousins Tara and Johnny! Love you guys!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Summer List

Hello Hello, everyone! Sam here!

It is a tradition every year when summer rolls around for my mom, my sisters, and I to make a list of all the things we want to do during our three months off. Then at the end of summer we go through our lists and figure out all of the things we did and check them off. We've been doing this since I was young and in keeping with my one list a week challenge I thought that today would be the perfect day to write my list for summer since it's my first official week of freedom. The lists we write each year consist of all kinds of things; things we want to accomplish, places we want to go, things we want to do or see, and lots of other fun summer musts. So here is my list for Summer 2013! Hopefully sharing it with all of you will be the motivation I need to be able to check EVERYTHING off at the end of Summer this year. And hopefully it'll help give you all the motivation you need to write your own Summer Lists! Happy listing!

Sam's Summer List 2013
  • Get outside! Go hiking, biking, exploring, swimming
  • Spend more time with friends, catch up
  • Get a part-time job
  • Read as much as possible
  • Write as much as possible
  • Take pictures of everything
  • Blog more!
  • Spend less time watching TV and more time doing something productive
  • Take a road trip with friends!
  • Go canoeing and kayaking on the river
  • Take a trip to some place new
  • Summer Love
  • Live in the moment
  • Have a bonfire and roast marshmallows
  • Catch lightning bugs
  • Exercise more and eat healthier
  • Go to the zoo
  • Play wiffle ball with the cousins...and maybe Ghost in the Graveyard
  • Go on lots of adventures!
  • Get lost somewhere beautiful
  • Have a water balloon fight
  • Do a Color Run
  • Make memories
  • Go to the beach
  • Spend more time with family
  • Get out of my comfort zone, try something new
  • Get rid of all the things I no longer need
  • Go to concerts, or just listen to live music outside in the open air
  • Have a picnic
  • Make lots of art
  • Go to Elephant Rocks and Johnson Shut-Ins
  • Drive with the windows down and music up without any destination in mind
  • Camp out under the stars
  • Dance in the rain
  • Reorganize my room
  • Laugh as much as possible
  • Have as much fun as possible with the people I love
  • Make it a summer to remember!
So there you have it! My summer list. It's long one, but I'm feeling optimistic here which is rare, so I'm just gonna roll with it. Here's to having one heck of an AMAZING summer! And I hope you all do everything you want this year!

Love & Chaos,

Saturday, May 11, 2013

For Mom...

Hello there everyone! Sam here!

And HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the wonderful mother's out there, but especially mine. I'd be lost without you mommy! There aren't enough thank yous in the world to express how much I appreciate all that you've done for me and continue to do  for me every single day, but here goes nothing... 

Being your first born I've been there since the beginning, when you and dad were just starting out and learning how to do the whole "parents" thing. And let me just say that you did a great job and still do to this day. Since I came along first I was able to watch as you became the amazing woman I know today and I couldn't be prouder of you and everything you've done.

You've been there with me through every triumph, every failure, every heartbreak, and every accomplishment. You helped to give me a childhood some could only dream about, surrounded by family, friends, and love. You've supported me through every decision and allowed me to grow into my own person with my own unique thoughts and feelings. You were patient with me when you knew I was struggling and finding myself, and you argued with me when you knew no one else could help me understand. You have been parent, teacher, and friend all rolled into one, a difficult combination to perfect, but somehow you've done it and made it seem easy.

You've been my shoulder to cry on, my listening ear, my cheerleader, my teacher, my friend, my voice of reason, and my secret keeper. You've given me the space I needed to grow and change, while still keeping watch over me and swooping in when you knew I needed help. You've laughed at my jokes, cried tears of joy and tears of sadness with me, and shared your love of books and the written word. You've encouraged my writing in every way possible, while at the same time helping me to become better at it and being my go-to editor. You have an unshakeable faith in me that still amazes me to this day, but no longer surprises me. You and dad both have given me the freedom to persue something that not many people can succeed at, and yet you still believe in me and everything I want to do. You, above everyone else, have believed in my dreams, sometimes even more than I do. Without your trust I may have given up on them a long time ago.

You understand that I am not like most people and you love that about me. You work around my limits and you help me to overcome obstacles that are unavoidable with amazing patience. You understand that some things are harder for me than they are for others, and also that some things are easier. When I'm at my lowest I always know that no matter what, even if no one else is around, you will always be there to pick me back up again and brush off the dust. You tell me I'm beautiful when I feel anything but, you tell me I'm intelligent when the simplest of things seem to stump me, you say I'm clever and witty when I feel awkward and silly. And you always mean it. You don't pressure me to be anyone but myself. You love me when I'm feeling unlovable and the things I sometimes dislike about myself are the things you love the most. You accept my every flaw and encourage me to do the same.
You juggle all three of our crazy lives with finesse and you treat us each as individuals with our own special talents and personalities. You are the glue that holds us all together, the one who keeps us all in line. You are the one who keeps us feeling healthy, who treats our wounds when we are hurt, who studies with us for tests, who claps the loudest at all of our events. You have kissed every bruise, taken every temperature, dried every tear, sang every lullaby. You are serious when you need to be and silly when you want to be. You let us eat donuts for dinner when we aren't hungry for anything else. You go on random drives with us without any destination. You have loved each of us unconditionally and without pretense from the very moment you found out we were going to exist, and I suspect you loved us even before that.
You are teaching us how to be strong women and how to think for ourselves. You are showing us the art of compassion and how to be kind. There has never been, and will never be, a day when I don't appreciate all that you have done for me, and for us. I love you more than words can say and I can only hope that someday I can grow up to become a woman who is loved so much by so many people. I not only love you as my mother, but as the wonderfully amazing person that I know you to be. No matter where I go, who I become, or what life may bring for me, you always have been and always will be my mom and the woman I most look up to in this world. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you have done and will do. I love you to the moon and back.
Love and Chaos,
P.S. Here's a video from the Kid President to all the moms out there today. It was too cute not to post.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Beautiful Summertime!

Hello, Hello everyone! Sam here!

That's right people, it's summertime again! Well, for me anyway. I have FINALLY finished my sophomore year of college and am now free for the next THREE months! Oh how wonderful it is to be able to type that right now. It's been a surprisingly great school year, but I am ready to relax. So for the next three months I'll be writing, reading, hanging by the pool, spending time with family and friends, getting outside, meeting new people, and hopefully earning a little money! I can't wait to see what this summer will bring! One of my favorite summer quotes of all time comes from one of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors, Deb Caletti. The book is called Honey, Baby, Sweetheart (A great summer read if you're looking for one) and the quote goes like this..."Summer, after all, is a time when wonderful things can happen to quiet people. For those few months you’re not required to be who everyone thinks you are, and that cut-grass smell in the air and the chance to dive into the deep end of a pool give you a courage you don’t have the rest of the year. You can be graceful and easy, with no eyes on you, and no past. Summer just opens the door and lets you out." I've always loved this quote so much, not just because it's absolutely true, but because I think that the lead character of this book, Ruby McQueen, and I are practically the same person. Seriously, it's like Deb Caletti took the words right out of my head. But I also love this quote because it sums up summer for me in just a few beautiful sentences. "Summer, after all, is a time when wonderful things can happen to quiet people." For a self-proclaimed quiet girl like myself summer means hope, hope that things can change and that you can become someone who you never even knew was inside you. Someone braver and stronger and just better than who you are the rest of the year...someone free. I hope that this summer I am able to become all of those things and more and I hope that when summer does come to an end that I'll be able to carry a piece of her with me into the rest of the seasons.

So here's to summer! Here's to picnics in the park, zoo trips, wiffle ball games, and swimming in the lake. Here's to fireworks, homemade ice cream, eating watermelon, and suntan lines. Here's to summer love and catching lightning bugs, bare feet and summer nights listening to the crickets chirp outside the open window. Here's to everything that this summer will bring and everything it teaches us, not just about life, but about ourselves. Here's to our summer selves, may they follow us into all the seasons. Summer 2013...let's do this.

Love and Chaos,

P.S. Here are a few songs to get you in that lazy summer mood:
Dancing Shoes - Green River Ordinance
Home - Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros
Sand in Your Shoes (Acoustic) - This Providence
Banana Pancakes/Better Together - Jack Johnson (or basically any Jack Johnson song)
Stay Young, Go Dancing - Death Cab for Cutie
The Sea and the Rhythm - Iron and Wine
Catch the Wind - The Spill Canvas
Strawberry Wine - Deana Carter

Monday, May 6, 2013

A list for Mom on her birthday...

Hello, Hello everyone! Sam here!

Today it is my lovely mother's birthday and so in honor of her birthday my list for this week will be mom themed. Here are 20 things I love about my mom. Prepare yourselves people, it's about to get mushy...

A List For Mom

  1. I love how you are the first person I want to tell when something exciting happens in my life
  2. I love how all of the kids you've taught over the years always think of you as their favorite teacher...because you're mine too
  3. I love that you read to me as a child and that our love of books and words is something we can share for life
  4. I love how you taught me to have an open mind about the world
  5. I love how you love the moon just as much as I do
  6. I love how you have always supported me in every single thing I've ever done or dream of doing...even if my dreams are incredibly lofty
  7. I love how you believe in my writing
  8. I love how you say "Good song!" when a song you like comes on the radio and how I've started doing the same thing without even realizing it
  9. I love how you've taught me to think for myself and have my own opinions on things...even if they're different from yours sometimes
  10. I love how you smell like warmth and safety and when I think of you I think of home
  11. I love how you're so good at comforting people when they're sad, including me
  12. I love when we bake things together
  13. I love how you've given me such good taste in oldies music
  14. I love how you love the three of us for different things, but equally
  15. I love it when I can make you laugh
  16. I love that you sang us lullabies when we were little
  17. I love how you put up with all of our craziness and still love us anyway
  18. I love how you've let me grow into my own person with my own ideas on things
  19. I love how you've taught me what it means to be a strong woman and all the fun things about being a girl
  20. And most of all I love YOU, not just as my mom, but as a whole person with her own ideas and thoughts and opinions and as my friend
Mom, I know that there's no way a little list of 20 things could ever possibly express how much I love you, but this is a start. Thank you for everything you've always done for me and for everything you'll do in the future. Happy Birthday, mommy. I love you to the moon and back.

Love & Chaos,