Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Things To Be Thankful For

Tomorrow isn't just about good food and a big parade, it's about remembering that we all have things worth celebrating in our lives. I'm thankful for all of it.

I'm thankful for my family. They're crazy and funny and all mine. I wouldn't have them any other way.

I'm thankful for my friends, who are the best friends this introverted awkward girl could ever ask for. They put up with me and I'm lucky for it. I'm better for knowing them.

I'm thankful for words; for books and poems and hand written letters. I'm thankful for what words can do when used for good, and for how they can make you feel.

I'm thankful for you, and anyone else who has read my words. You're awesome.

I'm thankful for big, soft, cozy sweaters and weather cold enough to wear them in.

I'm thankful for laughter. It makes me feel good.

I'm thankful for music; for the song that fits with exactly how you're feeling.

I'm thankful for cheese and bread. Because cheese and bread.

I'm thankful for the moon and the stars.

I'm thankful for those "Be Prepared to Stop" signs that are posted before stoplights that blink when the light is about to turn red. Yeah, those are awesome.

I'm thankful for dreams and having the opportunity to try and make them come true, regardless of the outcome. I'm thankful for being able to try.

I'm thankful for trees and seasons and snow and rain and sunshine. To me it's all beautiful.

I'm thankful for having a place to share my thoughts and people to share them with who are willing to listen.

I'm thankful for being able to look forward to what's to come, even if it can be a little scary sometimes. 

I think we should be thankful every day, but now is the time we actually remember to be. I'm thankful for having things to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving. :)

Love & Chaos,

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